Today better be the #BlackSwan event because my heart can't take more of this.

09 Nov 2022, 19:00
Today better be the #BlackSwan event because my heart can't take more of this. All joking aside, make sure you check in on your friends because this really sucks. #cryptocrash

Same news in other sources

DuckDaoDimeDDIM #2110
09 Nov 2022, 19:04
RT @cz_binance: In the spirit of transparency, might as well share the actual note, sent to all Binance team globally a few hours ago. htt…
RT @cz_binance: In the spirit of transparency, might as well share the actual note, sent to all Binance team globally a few hour
RT @cz_binance: In the spirit of transparency, might as well share the actual note, sent to all Binance team globally a few hours ago. htt…