Today better be the #BlackSwan event because my heart can't take more of this.
09 Nov 2022, 19:00
Today better be the #BlackSwan event because my heart can't take more of this.
All joking aside, make sure you check in on your friends because this really sucks.
Same news in other sources
1DuckDaoDimeDDIM #2110
09 Nov 2022, 19:04
RT @cz_binance: In the spirit of transparency, might as well share the actual note, sent to all Binance team globally a few hours ago.
RT @cz_binance: In the spirit of transparency, might as well share the actual note, sent to all Binance team globally a few hour
RT @cz_binance: In the spirit of transparency, might as well share the actual note, sent to all Binance team globally a few hours ago.